Modules Guide - GRP4


The GRP4 module is an instrument module with six various samplers that can be sequenced with SEQ4. Select the active module using the tab buttons on the left.

N (Activator Switch)Turns the module on or off, also operated by pressing the N key.
MUTE GRPTurns the mute on or off. See also Mute.
GROUP GAINAdjust the overall GRP4 gain in the lower left number box.

4-1 : Sampler


CVSets the probability of sending CV. See also Trigger Events (CV).
BUSSelect the output destination for the module. See also Audio Bus.
FILE MENUSelects the sound file. See also Sound File Menu.
PCHAdjusts the pitch of the sound.
TRPAdjusts the pitch of the sound in semitone steps.
REVSets the probability of reverse playback.
ENVELOPESets the volume and pitch envelopes. See also Envelope.
VOICESets the number of voices that can be pronounced simultaneously.
LFO MENUSelects the LFO waveform and target.
DRVRandamizable Adjusts the amount of overdrive.
PHASRandamizable Adjusts the amount of phaser.
FRQRandamizable Adjusts the frequency of phaser.
LFORandamizable Adjusts the frequency of the LFO.
AMTRandamizable Adjusts the amount of LFO modulation.
BITRandamizable Adjusts the bit depth. Lower values produce a lo-fi sound.
SMPRandamizable Adjusts the sample rate.
HPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter.
LPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter.
RESRandamizable Adjusts the resonance amount of the high-pass and low-pass filter.
DL1Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL1, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
DL2Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL2, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
RVBRandamizable Adjusts the send level to RVB, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
PANRandamizable Adjusts the panning.
LEVRandamizable Adjusts the output level.

4-2 : Slice Sampler


CVSets the probability of sending CV. See also Trigger Events (CV).
BUSSelect the output destination for the module. See also Audio Bus.
FILE MENUSelects the sound file. See also Sound File Menu.
DIVSets the number of divisions.
DIRECTIONSelects the step direction.
RNDSets the probability to randomize the step.
REVSets the probability of reverse playback.
QTZTurns quantize on or off. When quantize is on, the speed is adjusted to sync with the BPM..
ENVELOPE MENUSelects the amp envelope type.
LFO MENUSelects the LFO waveform and target.
LFOAdjusts the frequency of the LFO.
AMTAdjusts the amount of LFO modulation.
DRVAdjusts the amount of overdrive.
PCHRandamizable Adjusts the pitch of the sound.
SMPRandamizable Adjusts the sample rate.
HPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter.
LPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter.
RESRandamizable Adjusts the resonance amount of the high-pass and low-pass filter.
DL1Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL1, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
DL2Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL2, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
RVBRandamizable Adjusts the send level to RVB, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
PANRandamizable Adjusts the panning.
LEVRandamizable Adjusts the output level.

4-3 : Granular Sampler


CVSets the probability of sending CV. See also Trigger Events (CV).
BUSSelect the output destination for the module. See also Audio Bus.
FILE MENUSelects the sound file. See also Sound File Menu.
LENAdjusts the length of the sound.
ENVELOPE SELECTORSelect the active envelope.
ENVELOPESets the position, grain size, grain distance, jitter, amp and pitch envelopes. See also Envelope.
PCHRandamizable Adjusts the pitch of the sound.
SMPRandamizable Adjusts the sample rate.
HPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter.
LPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter.
RESRandamizable Adjusts the resonance amount of the high-pass and low-pass filter.
DL1Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL1, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
DL2Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL2, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
RVBRandamizable Adjusts the send level to RVB, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
PANRandamizable Adjusts the panning.
LEVRandamizable Adjusts the output level.

4-4 : Sampler


CVSets the probability of sending CV. See also Trigger Events (CV).
BUSSelect the output destination for the module. See also Audio Bus.
FILE MENUSelects the sound file. See also Sound File Menu.
PCHAdjusts the pitch of the sound.
TRPAdjusts the pitch of the sound in semitone steps.
REVSets the probability of reverse playback.
ENVELOPESets the volume and pitch envelopes. See also Envelope.
VOICESets the number of voices that can be pronounced simultaneously.
LFO MENUSelects the LFO waveform and target.
DRVRandamizable Adjusts the amount of overdrive.
PHASRandamizable Adjusts the amount of phaser.
FRQRandamizable Adjusts the frequency of phaser.
LFORandamizable Adjusts the frequency of the LFO.
AMTRandamizable Adjusts the amount of LFO modulation.
BITRandamizable Adjusts the bit depth. Lower values produce a lo-fi sound.
SMPRandamizable Adjusts the sample rate.
HPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter.
LPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter.
RESRandamizable Adjusts the resonance amount of the high-pass and low-pass filter.
DL1Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL1, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
DL2Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL2, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
RVBRandamizable Adjusts the send level to RVB, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
PANRandamizable Adjusts the panning.
LEVRandamizable Adjusts the output level.

4-5 : Slice Sampler


CVSets the probability of sending CV. See also Trigger Events (CV).
BUSSelect the output destination for the module. See also Audio Bus.
FILE MENUSelects the sound file. See also Sound File Menu.
DIVSets the number of divisions.
DIRECTIONSelects the step direction.
RNDSets the probability to randomize the step.
REVSets the probability of reverse playback.
QTZTurns quantize on or off. When quantize is on, the speed is adjusted to sync with the BPM..
ENVELOPE MENUSelects the amp envelope type.
LFO MENUSelects the LFO waveform and target.
LFOAdjusts the frequency of the LFO.
AMTAdjusts the amount of LFO modulation.
DRVAdjusts the amount of overdrive.
PCHRandamizable Adjusts the pitch of the sound.
SMPRandamizable Adjusts the sample rate.
HPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter.
LPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter.
RESRandamizable Adjusts the resonance amount of the high-pass and low-pass filter.
DL1Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL1, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
DL2Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL2, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
RVBRandamizable Adjusts the send level to RVB, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
PANRandamizable Adjusts the panning.
LEVRandamizable Adjusts the output level.

4-6 : Granular Sampler


CVSets the probability of sending CV. See also Trigger Events (CV).
BUSSelect the output destination for the module. See also Audio Bus.
FILE MENUSelects the sound file. See also Sound File Menu.
LENAdjusts the length of the sound.
ENVELOPE SELECTORSelect the active envelope.
ENVELOPESets the position, grain size, grain distance, jitter, amp and pitch envelopes. See also Envelope.
PCHRandamizable Adjusts the pitch of the sound.
SMPRandamizable Adjusts the sample rate.
HPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter.
LPFRandamizable Adjusts the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter.
RESRandamizable Adjusts the resonance amount of the high-pass and low-pass filter.
DL1Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL1, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
DL2Randamizable Adjusts the send level to DL2, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
RVBRandamizable Adjusts the send level to RVB, which is not sent if the send bus is disabled.
PANRandamizable Adjusts the panning.
LEVRandamizable Adjusts the output level.

Controllable Parameters (672 Parameters)

Category OSC address Range Default
PRESET /group4/preset/{KEY(A-K)} PRESET - -
PRESET /group4/preset/{KEY(Q-P)} PRESET - -
PARAM /group4/enable TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
TRIG /group4/1/trigger TRIGGER 0.00 - 1.00 -
PARAM /group4/1/bitcrush NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/1/bitcrush/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/bitcrush/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/bus/bus1 TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/1/bus/bus2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/1/bus/bus3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/1/bus/fx1 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/1/bus/fx2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/1/bus/fx3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/1/bus/send TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/1/bus/send/delay1 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/1/bus/send/delay1/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/bus/send/delay1/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/bus/send/delay2 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/1/bus/send/delay2/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/bus/send/delay2/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/bus/send/reverb NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/1/bus/send/reverb/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/bus/send/reverb/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/cv NUMBER 0% - 100% 100%
PARAM /group4/1/downsample NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/1/downsample/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/downsample/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-4)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/1/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-4)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/1/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-4)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/1/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-4)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/1/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-4)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.50
PARAM /group4/1/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-3)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/1/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-3)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/1/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-3)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/1/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-3)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/1/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-3)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/1/filter/highpass NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/1/filter/highpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/filter/highpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/filter/lowpass NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/1/filter/lowpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/filter/lowpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/filter/resonance NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/1/filter/resonance/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/filter/resonance/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/level NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /group4/1/level/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/level/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/lfo/amount NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /group4/1/lfo/amount/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/lfo/amount/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/lfo/frequency NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /group4/1/lfo/frequency/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/lfo/frequency/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/overdrive NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/1/overdrive/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/overdrive/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/pan NUMBER L50 - R50 C
PARAM /group4/1/pan/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/pan/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/phaser/amount NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/1/phaser/amount/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/phaser/amount/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/phaser/frequency NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /group4/1/phaser/frequency/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/phaser/frequency/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/pitch NUMBER 0.12 - 8.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/1/reverse NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/1/transpose NUMBER -36 - 36 0
PARAM /group4/1/voice NUMBER 1 - 8 8
TRIG /group4/2/trigger TRIGGER 0.00 - 1.00 -
PARAM /group4/2/bus/bus1 TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/2/bus/bus2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/2/bus/bus3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/2/bus/fx1 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/2/bus/fx2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/2/bus/fx3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/2/bus/send TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/2/bus/send/delay1 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/2/bus/send/delay1/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/bus/send/delay1/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/bus/send/delay2 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/2/bus/send/delay2/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/bus/send/delay2/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/bus/send/reverb NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/2/bus/send/reverb/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/bus/send/reverb/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/cv NUMBER 0% - 100% 100%
PARAM /group4/2/direction/backward TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/2/direction/forward TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/2/direction/pingpong TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/2/division NUMBER 1 - 128 1
PARAM /group4/2/downsample NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/2/downsample/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/downsample/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/filter/highpass NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/2/filter/highpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/filter/highpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/filter/lowpass NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/2/filter/lowpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/filter/lowpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/filter/resonance NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/2/filter/resonance/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/filter/resonance/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/level NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /group4/2/level/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/level/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/lfo/amount NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /group4/2/lfo/frequency NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /group4/2/lfo/target CHOICES DRV, PCH, SMP, HPF, LPF, RES, DL1, DL2, RVB, PAN, LEV PCH
PARAM /group4/2/overdrive NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/2/pan NUMBER L50 - R50 C
PARAM /group4/2/pan/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/pan/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/pitch NUMBER 0.12 - 8.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/2/pitch/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/pitch/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/quantize TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/2/random NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/2/reverse NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
TRIG /group4/3/trigger TRIGGER 0.00 - 1.00 -
PARAM /group4/3/bus/bus1 TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/3/bus/bus2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/3/bus/bus3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/3/bus/fx1 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/3/bus/fx2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/3/bus/fx3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/3/bus/send TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/3/bus/send/delay1 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/3/bus/send/delay1/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/bus/send/delay1/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/bus/send/delay2 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/3/bus/send/delay2/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/bus/send/delay2/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/bus/send/reverb NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/3/bus/send/reverb/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/bus/send/reverb/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/clear TRIGGER 0.00 - 1.00 -
PARAM /group4/3/cv NUMBER 0% - 100% 100%
PARAM /group4/3/downsample NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/3/downsample/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/downsample/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.50
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/distance/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/distance/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/distance/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/distance/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.75
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/distance/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.50
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/jit/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/jit/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/jit/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/jit/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.75
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/jit/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.50
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/position/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/position/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/position/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/position/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.75
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/position/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/size/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/size/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/size/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/size/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.75
PARAM /group4/3/envelope/size/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.50
PARAM /group4/3/filter/highpass NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/3/filter/highpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/filter/highpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/filter/lowpass NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/3/filter/lowpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/filter/lowpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/filter/resonance NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/3/filter/resonance/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/filter/resonance/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/length NUMBER 0.25 - 64.00 4.00
PARAM /group4/3/level NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /group4/3/level/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/level/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/pan NUMBER L50 - R50 C
PARAM /group4/3/pan/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/pan/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/pitch NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /group4/3/pitch/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/pitch/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/3/view/amp TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/3/view/distance TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/3/view/jit TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/3/view/pitch TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/3/view/position TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/3/view/size TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
TRIG /group4/4/trigger TRIGGER 0.00 - 1.00 -
PARAM /group4/4/bitcrush NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/4/bitcrush/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/bitcrush/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/bus/bus1 TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/4/bus/bus2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/4/bus/bus3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/4/bus/fx1 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/4/bus/fx2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/4/bus/fx3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/4/bus/send TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/4/bus/send/delay1 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/4/bus/send/delay1/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/bus/send/delay1/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/bus/send/delay2 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/4/bus/send/delay2/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/bus/send/delay2/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/bus/send/reverb NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/4/bus/send/reverb/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/bus/send/reverb/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/cv NUMBER 0% - 100% 100%
PARAM /group4/4/downsample NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/4/downsample/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/downsample/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-4)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/4/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-4)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/4/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-4)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/4/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-4)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/4/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-4)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.50
PARAM /group4/4/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-3)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/4/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-3)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/4/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-3)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/4/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-3)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/4/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-3)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/4/filter/highpass NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/4/filter/highpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/filter/highpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/filter/lowpass NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/4/filter/lowpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/filter/lowpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/filter/resonance NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/4/filter/resonance/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/filter/resonance/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/level NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /group4/4/level/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/level/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/lfo/amount NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /group4/4/lfo/amount/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/lfo/amount/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/lfo/frequency NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /group4/4/lfo/frequency/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/lfo/frequency/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/overdrive NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/4/overdrive/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/overdrive/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/pan NUMBER L50 - R50 C
PARAM /group4/4/pan/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/pan/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/phaser/amount NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/4/phaser/amount/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/phaser/amount/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/phaser/frequency NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /group4/4/phaser/frequency/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/phaser/frequency/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/pitch NUMBER 0.12 - 8.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/4/reverse NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/4/transpose NUMBER -36 - 36 0
PARAM /group4/4/voice NUMBER 1 - 8 8
TRIG /group4/5/trigger TRIGGER 0.00 - 1.00 -
PARAM /group4/5/bus/bus1 TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/5/bus/bus2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/5/bus/bus3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/5/bus/fx1 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/5/bus/fx2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/5/bus/fx3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/5/bus/send TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/5/bus/send/delay1 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/5/bus/send/delay1/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/bus/send/delay1/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/bus/send/delay2 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/5/bus/send/delay2/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/bus/send/delay2/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/bus/send/reverb NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/5/bus/send/reverb/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/bus/send/reverb/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/cv NUMBER 0% - 100% 100%
PARAM /group4/5/direction/backward TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/5/direction/forward TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/5/direction/pingpong TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/5/division NUMBER 1 - 128 1
PARAM /group4/5/downsample NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/5/downsample/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/downsample/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/filter/highpass NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/5/filter/highpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/filter/highpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/filter/lowpass NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/5/filter/lowpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/filter/lowpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/filter/resonance NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/5/filter/resonance/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/filter/resonance/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/level NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /group4/5/level/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/level/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/lfo/amount NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /group4/5/lfo/frequency NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /group4/5/lfo/target CHOICES DRV, PCH, SMP, HPF, LPF, RES, DL1, DL2, RVB, PAN, LEV PCH
PARAM /group4/5/overdrive NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/5/pan NUMBER L50 - R50 C
PARAM /group4/5/pan/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/pan/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/pitch NUMBER 0.12 - 8.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/5/pitch/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/pitch/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/quantize TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/5/random NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/5/reverse NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
TRIG /group4/6/trigger TRIGGER 0.00 - 1.00 -
PARAM /group4/6/bus/bus1 TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/6/bus/bus2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/6/bus/bus3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/6/bus/fx1 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/6/bus/fx2 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/6/bus/fx3 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/6/bus/send TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/6/bus/send/delay1 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/6/bus/send/delay1/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/bus/send/delay1/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/bus/send/delay2 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/6/bus/send/delay2/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/bus/send/delay2/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/bus/send/reverb NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/6/bus/send/reverb/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/bus/send/reverb/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/clear TRIGGER 0.00 - 1.00 -
PARAM /group4/6/cv NUMBER 0% - 100% 100%
PARAM /group4/6/downsample NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/6/downsample/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/downsample/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/amp/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.50
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/distance/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/distance/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/distance/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/distance/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.75
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/distance/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.50
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/jit/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/jit/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/jit/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/jit/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.75
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/jit/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.50
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/pitch/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/position/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/position/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/position/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/position/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.75
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/position/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/size/{POINT(1-5)}/curve NUMBER 0.33 - 3.00 1.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/size/{POINT(1-5)}/range/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/size/{POINT(1-5)}/range/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.00
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/size/{POINT(1-5)}/x NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.75
PARAM /group4/6/envelope/size/{POINT(1-5)}/y NUMBER 0.00 - 1.00 0.50
PARAM /group4/6/filter/highpass NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/6/filter/highpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/filter/highpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/filter/lowpass NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /group4/6/filter/lowpass/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/filter/lowpass/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/filter/resonance NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /group4/6/filter/resonance/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/filter/resonance/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/length NUMBER 0.25 - 64.00 4.00
PARAM /group4/6/level NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /group4/6/level/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/level/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/pan NUMBER L50 - R50 C
PARAM /group4/6/pan/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/pan/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/pitch NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /group4/6/pitch/prob NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/pitch/range NUMBER 0% - 100% 0%
PARAM /group4/6/view/amp TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/6/view/distance TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/6/view/jit TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/6/view/pitch TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/6/view/position TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /group4/6/view/size TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/level NUMBER -inf dB - 0.0dB 0.0dB
PARAM /group4/mute TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /group4/view CHOICES 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 1
PARAM /group4/view/1-6 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF