2020 is the PAST?

2020 on mac

NO WAY! Movie buffs know that 1984 and 2001 are still in the future, and so is 2020, right? Anyway, check out this knob-filled screen. It's the console of a spaceship that jumps into other dimensions. Once you load up some sound files and take off, you'll be blasted off into the unknown. WHOOOOOSH!!

To BEAT, or not to BEAT, that is the question.


2020 is a BEAT-MACHINE. Just imagine a single fragment that was forcibly torn apart by combining German DAW software, Swedish hardware beat machine, and a cable-tangled modular synthesizer system. That's exactly what 2020 is! Sounds complicated? Don't think, BEAT!


  • Clock
  • External Input
  • 4x Grid Sequencers
  • 2x Pitch Transposers
  • Sample Slicer
  • Higurashi Generator
  • 3x Various Loopers
  • 12x Various Samplers
  • Kick Synth
  • 2x FM Synths
  • 14x Patchable Effects
  • Effect Patcher
  • 3x Send Effects
  • Bus Mixer
  • Master Effects
  • Recorder



2020 is a SEMI MODULAR BEAT-MACHINE. It doesn't offer a traditional timeline view but instead lets you manipulate, randomize, wire, process, and perform beats in real-time, all in a single window. With 2020, you can explore millions of beat patterns on the fly.



  • Sample Slicer.
  • Higurashi Generator.
  • 3x Various Loopers.
  • 12x Various Samplers.
  • Kick Synth.
  • 2x FM Synths.

Each instrument module comes with versatile filters built-in. By loading a sound file and tweaking the pitch, envelope, LFO, etc., and seasoning it with the filters, you can create new sounds.



  • 4x grid sequencers
    • Sequence length can be set between 1 to 32 beats.
    • Trigger, accent, and volume can be sequenced at each step.
    • Resolution of each beat can be set to 1/4, 1/8, 1/12, 1/16, 1/20, 1/24, or 1/32.
    • Probability of triggering and adding trigger can be set.
  • 2x transposers
    • TRP1: Scale-based transposer that randomly modulates pitch based on the set scale and probability.
    • TRP2: Step sequence transposer that modulates pitch according to the set note number for each sound.
Wiring modules

Wiring Modules

You can route sounds of each instrument module to 6 Mix Buses, 3 FX Buses, and Send Bus. The sound input to the FX Bus can be processed by 14 patchable modules with freely configurable wiring. Additionally, each patchable module can receive trigger information (CV) from connected instrument modules and use it for effect control.

  • 14x patchable modules with 3 LFO.
    • Highpass / Lowpass filter
    • Flanger
    • Phaser
    • Ring modulator
    • Bitcrusher
    • 2x Granulator
    • Spin effect
    • Glitch
    • Repeater
    • 2x Level
    • 2x Sender
    • 3x LFO
  • 3x Send effects.
    • 2x Delay
    • Reverb


Modules that work with the trigger event have the ability to randomize parameters. By adjusting the range and probability of randomization, many sound variations can be generated for each trigger event. And the feature called "Dejavu" turns ALL parameter randomizers into generative sequencers. It creates up to 32 generation histories for all parameter randomizers and sequentially reproduces past random numbers based on a set probability and length. If you are a heavy user of eurorack and have generated CV sequences with things like shift registers or a module called "Turing Machine", imagine a parameter control chain that built with nearly 700 of them! BEAT is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get!

Mix and mastering

Mix and Mastering

You can mix the sound input to the 6 buses and send it to the 2 master buses. Each master bus contains an equalizer, filter, compressor, maximizer, performance effect, etc.

Perform with controllers

Perform with Controllers

You can control almost all parameters with MIDI, OSC, and keyboard. Controllers can be assigned in LEARN mode, giving you even greater control over your performance.

Play in time with Ableton Link

Sync Beats with Ableton Link Integration

2020 supports Ableton Link for tight sync between apps on the same network.

Roll with your colors

Roll with Your Colors

2020 comes with built-in inspiring color themes. You can also customize your own.

May the BEAT be with you

Recommended System

  • Supported CPU: Intel or Apple Silicon
  • Supported OS: macOS 10.13 or later
  • Memory Usage: 1GB or more (excluding system usage)

Developer is using a MacBook Pro 13", M1, 2020. Live performance with a very complex project file was very stable and never hung; DSP usage is about 20% to 30% and entire app CPU usage is about 40%.

May the BEAT be with you

Download on the Mac App Store

Get ready to be blasted off into the unknown!
BEAT. Or do not, There is no try.