User Interface Guide

This document describes the operation of the user interface. For more information about each module, refer to Modules Guide.



The project file can be saved and contains all the preset and sound data. When the project file is opened, all the data is recalled. The file extension for the project file is .2020.

Keyboard Interactions

CommandNStart a new project.
CommandSSave the project file.
Command + ShiftSSave the project file under a different name.
CommandOOpen a project file.

Preset Selector

Preset selector with 80 slots Preset selector with 10 slots

Certain modules come equipped with a preset feature, which enables you to save and restore the state of all parameters within the module. These modules offer either 10 or 80 preset slots, which can be conveniently accessed through the keys displayed on the GUI. Specifically, the Q W E R T Y U I O P keys are designated for song presets, while the A S D F G H J K keys are designated for pattern presets.

Mouse and Keyboard Interactions

-Q W E R T Y U I O PRestore the preset at the beginning of the next bar.
ControlQ W E R T Y U I O PRestore the preset immediately.
ShiftQ W E R T Y U I O PSave the preset.
-A S D F G H J KRestore the preset at the beginning of the next bar.
ControlA S D F G H J KRestore the preset immediately.
ShiftA S D F G H J KSave the preset.

Configuring Keyboard Layout

By default, it is designed for a QWERTY keyboard. If you are using a non-QWERTY keyboard layout, you can change the keys that correspond to the Preset Selector by editing 2020.config.

For example, to change from the Q key to the L key, edit as follows.

  <value name="global-key-mappings">
      <key key="q" parameter="/preset/q"/>
      <key key="w" parameter="/preset/w"/>
  <value name="global-key-mappings">
      <key key="l" parameter="/preset/q"/>
      <key key="w" parameter="/preset/w"/>

Context Menu

Context Menu

The Context Menu provides a way to control the module or GUI located where you right-clicked.



The Snapshots feature allows you to save states of frequently used sounds and sequences for reuse. You can save snapshots for the entire app or for each module with a preset GUI. Snapshots can be saved from the context menu, and the files are saved to ~/Music/2020/Snapshots.

Basic GUI components

Basic GUI components

These are basic GUI components for adjusting parameter values and toggling ON/OFF switches. The knobs included in modules capable of receiving trigger events are equipped with a randomize function. Randomizable knobs display the probability and range as red and yellow lines respectively.

Mouse and Keyboard Interactions

-Double Click a componentResets value to default.
-Click a Toggle componentToggles value ON/OFF.
-Drag a Knob or Number BoxChanges the value.
ShiftDrag a Knob or Number BoxChanges the value faster.
-Drag a SliderChanges the value.
AltDrag a Randomizable KnobChanges the randomizing range.
CommandDrag a Randomizable KnobChanges the randomizing probability.

Sound File Menu

Sound File Menu

The Sound File Menu allows you to browse and load sound files. The sound files and folders located in ~/Music/2020/Sounds can be browsed using the User Library menu. You can also open sound files and folders by dragging and dropping them.

Transport Control

Transport Control

You can control the BPM, swing, play, and stop. Clicking the play button again while playing will rewind to the beginning of the bar. Clicking the stop button while stopped will kill all audio. When manually syncing with other music, the tap tempo and BPM adjustment buttons are handy.

Keyboard interactions

-SPACEBARToggle play/stop.
-LEFT ARROWTemporarily decrease BPM.
-RIGHT ARROWTemporarily increase BPM.

Grid Sequencer

Grid Sequencer

The Grid Sequencer allows you to set and play trigger sequences. The sequence resolution can be set to each beat. Additionally, you can edit the sequence using the multiple buttons located in the upper right corner.

Mouse Interactions

-Click or Drag over cellsToggle triggers.
CommandClick or Drag over cellsToggle accents.
ShiftDrag over cellsChanges the volume sequence.
AltDrag and dropCopies sequences by beat unit.
-Execute Duplicate Sequence from the context menuDuplicates the current sequence to the end position.
-Execute Double Tempo from the context menuRearrange grids to play the current sequence at double the speed.
-Execute Halve Tempo from the context menuRearrange grids to play the current sequence at half the speed.



The envelope can be edited to make changes to parameters such as volume, pitch, and granular parameters that correspond to the flow of time. If you’re using an FM synthesizer or granular sampler, you can select and edit specific envelopes from among multiple envelopes using the algorithm selector or tab. You can also randomize the coordinates of the envelope points.

Mouse Interactions

-Drag a pointMoves the envelope point.
-Drag a line between points up or downChanges the curve of the envelope.
AltDrag a pointChanges the range of randomization.
CommandMouse overSwitches to the pitch envelope.

Audio Bus

Audio Bus

The audio signal of the instrument module can be sent to any BUS. For example, if you want to send it directly to the mixer, you can enable BUS1. If you want to process it with an FX module, you can enable FX2.

FX Patcher

FX Patcher

You can freely connect modules represented by nodes. The circular arc displayed on each node indicates the range for connecting it to another node.

Mouse Interactions

-Drag a nodeMoves the node.
AltDrag a nodeChanges the connection range of the node.

Trigger Events (CV)

Trigger Events (CV)

When you enable any FX BUS (FX1, FX2, FX3) and trigger it, you can control the FX module connected in the FX patcher with a CV signal. In the FX module, if the CV signal exceeds the threshold, parameter randomization and LFO reset are executed. If the CV signal falls below the threshold, the CV signal is not passed to the next module. In addition, the CV signals are added together. Note that CV signals are designed for internal use only and cannot drive hardware synthesizers.


Mute Mute

When MUTE GRP is on, instruments within the same group that are using the same busses will mute each other when triggered.

FM Algorithm

FM algorithm

You can switch algorithms and toggle the display of operator editors from 1 to 3.

Mouse Interactions

-Click a operatorDisplays the clicked operator in the editor.
-Click outside of operatorsSwitchs algorithms.


Equalizer EQ Point

You can adjust the EQ points by moving them in any direction. Moving them left and right controls the frequency, while moving them up and down controls the volume. By changing the Q value, you can adjust the sharpness of the EQ.

Mouse Interactions

-Drag a pointMoves the EQ point.
AltDrag a pointChanges the Q value of the EQ point.
-Right-click on a point and select a filter type from the context menuSelects the EQ type.

Learn Mode


In Learn mode, you can assign MIDI controllers or keys to the selected parameter. However, note that keys that are already assigned globally, such as those for presets or instruments, cannot be assigned.

To remove a mapping, press the Delete key while in Learn mode.

Keyboard Interactions

CommandLToggle LEARN mode.



Output Location

Recorded files are stored in ~/Music/2020/Recordings. Recording settings can be configured in Preferences.

File Format

Wav or Aiff can be selected as the file format. BIT DEPTH can be selected from 16-bit, 24-bit and 32-bit (Wav only).

Recording Channel Set

The channel set for recording can be selected from the following.

  • 2 Ch Mix : OUT1 + OUT2
  • 4 Ch Stem : MST1 / MST2
  • 12 Ch Stem : BUS1 / BUS2 / BUS3 / BUS4 / BUS5 / BUS6

If you want to record a stem and re-mix it completely in another DAW, please try the Wav 32-bit format. It allows signals above 0 dB to be recorded correctly. Be careful not to damage your equipment or your ears.

Output File Name

Recording file names can be specified in NAME FORMAT using {project}, {bpm}, {year}, {month}, {day}, {hour}, {minute}, and {second} as placeholders.

Sync with Ableton Link Integration Ableton Link integration allows tight clock synchronization between devices on the same network. It can be enabled via the Preferences window or the Options menu. If you want to sync with MIDI clocks, use another utility app as a bridge.


MIDI You can configure MIDI input settings in Preferences. Enabling FEEDBACK will transmit parameter changes within the app to the MIDI device.



You can send and receive parameters using Open Sound Control (OSC). Only the parameters belonging to the checked category among Clock, Parameter, Trigger, Sequence, and Preset will be sent. Please refer to the Parameter list for the OSC addresses that can be sent and received.

Color Themes

Customizing Color Theme Theme Editor

You have the option to customize the color scheme of the GUI. There are 11 colors available to set: Background, Base, Text, Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Purple, Red, Teal, and Yellow. You can toggle between dark mode and light mode as well. Feel free to get creative with your own color combinations and share them if you come up with a good theme.