Modules Guide - SEND


SEND is a send effect module with two delays and a reverb.

DL1 : Delay


DL1 (Activator Switch)Turns the effect on or off.
BUSSelect the output destination for the module. See also Audio Bus.
MOD1Delay time is halved while MOD1 is on.
MOD2The amount of feedback is increased while MOD2 is on. Turning it off resets the delay at the beginning of the next bar.
DELAdjusts the delay time.
LFOAdjusts the frequency of the LFO.
AMTAdjusts the amount of LFO modulation; the LFO modulates the delay time.
FDBAdjusts the amount of feedback.
SPATAdjusts the amount of left/right signal swap. When set to maximum, the left and right signals will completely swap each time feedback is given.
DRYAdjusts the mix volume of the dry signal.
HPFAdjusts the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter.
LPFAdjusts the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter.
RESAdjusts the resonance amount of the high-pass and low-pass filter.
DL2Adjusts the send level to DL2.
RVBAdjusts the send level to RVB.
LEVAdjusts the output level.

DL2 : Stereo Delay


DL2 (Activator Switch)Turns the effect on or off.
BUSSelect the output destination for the module. See also Audio Bus.
LFO MENUSelects the LFO waveform and target.
D-LAdjusts the left delay time.
D-RAdjusts the right delay time.
FDBAdjusts the amount of feedback.
SPATAdjusts the amount of left/right signal swap. When set to maximum, the left and right signals will completely swap each time feedback is given.
LFOAdjusts the frequency of the LFO.
AMTAdjusts the amount of LFO modulation; the LFO modulates the delay time.
HPFAdjusts the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter.
LPFAdjusts the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter.
RESAdjusts the resonance amount of the high-pass and low-pass filter.
RVBAdjusts the send level to RVB.
DRYAdjusts the mix volume of the dry signal.
LEVAdjusts the output level.

RVB : Reverb


RVB (Activator Switch)Turns the effect on or off.
BUSSelect the output destination for the module. See also Audio Bus.
SPATShifts the phase of the left and right signals to add more spaciousness to the sound.
MODThe reverb amount is increased while MOD is on.
HPFAdjusts the cutoff frequency of the high-pass filter.
LPFAdjusts the cutoff frequency of the low-pass filter.
DMPAdjusts the amount of damping.
SIZEAdjusts the reverb size.
LEVAdjusts the output level.

Controllable Parameters (57 Parameters)

Category OSC address Range Default
PRESET /send/preset/{KEY(Q-P)} PRESET - -
PARAM /send/delay1/enable TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /send/delay1/bus/bus4 TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /send/delay1/bus/bus5 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /send/delay1/bus/bus6 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /send/delay1/bus/send/delay2 NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /send/delay1/bus/send/reverb NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /send/delay1/delaytime NUMBER 0.12 - 8.00 2.00
PARAM /send/delay1/dry NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /send/delay1/feedback NUMBER -64 - 64 38
PARAM /send/delay1/feedback/spatial NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /send/delay1/filter/highpass NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /send/delay1/filter/lowpass NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /send/delay1/filter/resonance NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /send/delay1/level NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /send/delay1/lfo/amount NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /send/delay1/lfo/frequency NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /send/delay1/mod1 TOGGLE(SYNC) ON - OFF -
PARAM /send/delay1/mod2 TOGGLE(SYNC) ON - OFF -
PARAM /send/delay2/enable TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /send/delay2/bus/bus4 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /send/delay2/bus/bus5 TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /send/delay2/bus/bus6 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /send/delay2/bus/send/reverb NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /send/delay2/delaytime/left NUMBER 0.12 - 8.00 2.00
PARAM /send/delay2/delaytime/right NUMBER 0.12 - 8.00 2.00
PARAM /send/delay2/dry NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /send/delay2/feedback NUMBER -64 - 64 38
PARAM /send/delay2/feedback/spatial NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /send/delay2/filter/highpass NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /send/delay2/filter/lowpass NUMBER 0 - 127 127
PARAM /send/delay2/filter/resonance NUMBER 0 - 127 0
PARAM /send/delay2/level NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /send/delay2/lfo/amount NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /send/delay2/lfo/frequency NUMBER -64 - 64 0
PARAM /send/delay2/lfo/target CHOICES D-L, D-R, FDB, SPAT, HPF, LPF, RES, RVB, DRY, LEV HPF
PARAM /send/reverb/enable TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /send/reverb/bus/bus4 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /send/reverb/bus/bus5 TOGGLE ON - OFF ON
PARAM /send/reverb/bus/bus6 TOGGLE ON - OFF OFF
PARAM /send/reverb/damping NUMBER 0 - 127 32
PARAM /send/reverb/highpass NUMBER 0 - 127 32
PARAM /send/reverb/level NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /send/reverb/lowpass NUMBER 0 - 127 96
PARAM /send/reverb/mod TOGGLE(SYNC) ON - OFF -
PARAM /send/reverb/size NUMBER 0 - 127 64
PARAM /send/reverb/spatial TOGGLE ON - OFF ON